Sunday, June 22, 2008

play that funky music, white boy

Because I like music, and surveys, and ashcan rantings (my computer is being retarded so I can't put a link) here are 7 songs that I am currently listening to:

1. Does an entire album count as a song? because I've just been listening to the Rent album a lot lately.

It's kind of been going on ever since my school announced that Rent would be their fall musical, which was like two weeks ago...i did pick out my audition song, though (mama who bore me from Spring Awakening)

2. The Way We Talk by The Maine
*she's fresh to death, she'll be the death of you. seduction leads to destruction..." usually I don't like talk-y songs but this is singing bordering on talk-y. The lyrics are unlawfully catchy, and their album cover is awesome:

I need to get a t-shirt with this on it.

3. Green by Brendan James
This is the perfect song for summer. It's so lazy-sounding, in a good way. It's the ideal slow-dancing, warm nights watching fireflies, summer romance song. (I hope I have one....they are such fun). my friend reyna insisted that i listened to this song when I was over at her house on friday and I have yet to stop singing it. the album cover isn't exactly the most's just Brendan sitting and looking pensive.

4. On The Radio by Regina Spektor
I don't think that you'll find a catchier song....the beat is infectuous. It's like the beat is happy, but the lyrics are sad...which is what makes this song excellently awesome.....i'm doing this dotty thing over and over....whee...

i love her look....especially her hair...i cut my hair short a while ago and now i fantasize about having this kind of hair.

5. The Fallen by Franz Ferdinand

A lot of people around where I live seem to have fallen under the Spell of Franz Ferdinand. seriously, if they don't play this at the grad dance, there will be riots in the streets. no joke.

6. Cold-Hearted Town by New Atlantic

besides this being an awesome song, this band had a wonderful affinity for blazers.

7. Foundations by Kate Nash

this girl has a neverending supply of fantastic dresses. as if that wasn't awesome by itself, she sings with a really obvious british accent. british singers should not hide their accent! because if I had one, i would flaunt the crap out of it. and no one would care, because i would sound brilliant. because I had a british accent. see how this works?

now I have to go on Pandora (retarded computer! i wish i could link!) and music-binge some more...


Sister Libby said...

I love Kate Nash with a passion. I sort of (really) want to be her. And I'm going for a year as an exchange student...

A. said...

WHAT????? your school is doing "Rent"?!?!?!?!?

I HATE MY CONSERVATIVE CATHOLIC SCHOOL. We had to change "Once Upon A Mattress" around so the two characters had secretly gotten married before they got pregnant.

Yeah, I know. I know.

And kick-ASS audition song. I absolutely adore Spring Awakening. Hardcore.

And creepy Jonas Brothers fans are what make me so uncomfortable to find them sort of sexy. All the teenyboppers who are like, "I'M GOING TO MARRY _____!!!!" it's just CREEPY. I feel bad for them.

molly said...

ahh cool list, thanks for the mention :)

jess said...

having rent as your musical is so amazing i wish my school would do that. but there is a rumour that were getting a new director so you never know. i love regina spektor

Josh Carter said...

Hey, appreciate the comment, glad I'm not the only one getting that evil "script". *Shifty eyes*

Nice blog, BTW. I'll be linking you.

Couture Carrie said...

I love that blue tu-tu!