Sunday, January 11, 2009

i love you, but i love me more

The Sex and the City movie just came off of Netflix, so I watched it and while the clothes were fine I didn't like them as much as I liked Charlotte's face.

The orgasmic with joy face

The "You pissed me off so much I'm going into labor" face

The "That bitch can't do that!" face

Favorites, in order from first to last: Charlotte, Samantha, Carrie, Miranda

After seeing this movie, my closet felt woefully inadequate so I went shopping the next day with some friends and fell in love with this bag:

Besides the fact that it has the completely adorable cherry print, it's bargain Kate Spade. Yes!
The consignment store near my house has officially become my new best friend.

Friday, January 2, 2009

new year? what?

Ok, so as my meager amount of readers may have noticed, I haven't posted for a WHILE.

But I can explain! Really, I can.
I've been busy in the worst possible sense of the word. Read: busy with schoolwork. Read deeper: FINALS
a) are a MASSIVE waste of time
b) have an unreasonably high standard - who really remembers everything we did the entire year?

So, those ended. My excuse for not posting after that is...well...I got lazy.
But now I am back!
And more posts will follow, I promise.