Friday, June 27, 2008

absent WITH leave (and lots of parenthesis)

so after grade 8 grad (thank fucking god) and the dance (yes, it was mardi gras) and the goodbye party I threw (i still am finding random pieces of popcorn around my living room....) because all of my friends are going to a different high school than me, i am leaving on vacation to the uber-glamerous Lake Tahoe (jk) where i will participate in a family reunion, which are always....interesting (last year my cousin got his nipples pierced and my other cousin met the guy who is now her fiance)so i won't be posting for the next 2 weeks...have a fantastic summer!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

play that funky music, white boy

Because I like music, and surveys, and ashcan rantings (my computer is being retarded so I can't put a link) here are 7 songs that I am currently listening to:

1. Does an entire album count as a song? because I've just been listening to the Rent album a lot lately.

It's kind of been going on ever since my school announced that Rent would be their fall musical, which was like two weeks ago...i did pick out my audition song, though (mama who bore me from Spring Awakening)

2. The Way We Talk by The Maine
*she's fresh to death, she'll be the death of you. seduction leads to destruction..." usually I don't like talk-y songs but this is singing bordering on talk-y. The lyrics are unlawfully catchy, and their album cover is awesome:

I need to get a t-shirt with this on it.

3. Green by Brendan James
This is the perfect song for summer. It's so lazy-sounding, in a good way. It's the ideal slow-dancing, warm nights watching fireflies, summer romance song. (I hope I have one....they are such fun). my friend reyna insisted that i listened to this song when I was over at her house on friday and I have yet to stop singing it. the album cover isn't exactly the most's just Brendan sitting and looking pensive.

4. On The Radio by Regina Spektor
I don't think that you'll find a catchier song....the beat is infectuous. It's like the beat is happy, but the lyrics are sad...which is what makes this song excellently awesome.....i'm doing this dotty thing over and over....whee...

i love her look....especially her hair...i cut my hair short a while ago and now i fantasize about having this kind of hair.

5. The Fallen by Franz Ferdinand

A lot of people around where I live seem to have fallen under the Spell of Franz Ferdinand. seriously, if they don't play this at the grad dance, there will be riots in the streets. no joke.

6. Cold-Hearted Town by New Atlantic

besides this being an awesome song, this band had a wonderful affinity for blazers.

7. Foundations by Kate Nash

this girl has a neverending supply of fantastic dresses. as if that wasn't awesome by itself, she sings with a really obvious british accent. british singers should not hide their accent! because if I had one, i would flaunt the crap out of it. and no one would care, because i would sound brilliant. because I had a british accent. see how this works?

now I have to go on Pandora (retarded computer! i wish i could link!) and music-binge some more...

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

people who run this, i love you

Okay, I know that I don't normally do fashion-y type posts, but I love this website:
They have all of these superly-awesomely-fantastic little vintage dresses dating from the 20s to the 80s, plus shoes and acessories. It is my latest addiction, and I think that I may very soon clean out all their 20s flapper-ish dresses.

*I want you - bew new new da - i want you so baaaaaaad* see? you see? In case you are somehow blind, maybe you can just LISTEN to the cuteness of this dress:

*hark, the herald angels sing!" this was actually under the 50s pinup section, in case you didn't already guess.
now I know what my money will be spent on for about the next year.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

what time is it? survey time

as a die-hard survey/quiz/poll addict, i had to fill out this charming little number being passed along the blogosphere. since most of the people who took it left it open for grabs, i will do the same....yeah i'm such a sheep. oh well.

let's see....10 years ago i was about 3 so i suppose i was reading. apparently i read quite a bit. well, doing either that or letting my parents videotape me for hours on end doing something really boring, like toddling around the backyard or refusing to wear my headband anywhere except around my neck. or "dancing" to some 80's pop. apparently, my life was extremely fascinating when I was 3.

Seeing as today is half over, this will be sort of a combo of todays and tomorrows to-do list:

-find a suitable shirt to go with my super-awesome electric blue jeans. I think I'm unhealthily excited about this.
-figure out how to post a video on YouTube, because I am a technological retard.
-finish Four Weddings and a Funeral, which is the recent product of my Netflix addiction
-practice my audition song for Rent auditions (!)
-scrounge up $20 for a movie ticket and popcorn

Skittles, Mike & Ikes, popcorn, those little Dibs things, all the little Japanese snacks that have pandas and whatnot on them.

Oh, let's see...London, Venice, Tokyo....
Just kidding. I've only ever lived in San Francisco. well, a suburb of San Francisco. it's like a 20 minute train ride away.

Unleash myself in the Mission District. Invest. Buy this wicked pair of black military boots with buttons up the side I saw in a Barneys window (this i could definitely not do if I was not so wildly this survey). Go to Australia. Go to Tokyo. Just generally Travel the World. Set up a charity fund for...something. Buy a vintage convertible (like, 50s pinup vintage) and get the engine restored. Lots of things.

David Sedaris. Sofia Loren. This hot British guy I met on a tour of the Vatican and never saw again. Kate Nash (I like her clothes in her videos). The guys that do the Smosh videos.

You read my quip at the top!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

it's oooooover

Waaaah! last AMS play over...cast party last night and now i have a wicked hangover so i'll do my best to tell you about this and the events that precedented it now:

at my school, they make a Very Big Deal out of the plays so we have traditions out the ass. all last week we had rehearsals, and the girls got the better dressing room (ie: the one with the soda machine) and they were fun because I wasn't really thinking about it all ending. and even though I was a dwarf and they used skin adhesive to make our beards stick to our faces and later they wouldn't come off, it was one of the best show's that i've done.

on Friday night the cast always goes bowling after the show. so we were at the bowling alley and we were waiting to get in because bowling is apparently quite popular nowadays, when my little friend K happened to casually mention something about her kind of having a boyfriend. This did not go over well with the stage manager. (note: our dear stage manager is something of an overprotective older brother figure, but he goes to college next year. waaaaah!) it was then he called the kid and started grilling him to make sure that he was "good enough" for K. He put the kid on speakerphone. it was hilarious.
he's done similar things to the guys my friends and i have gone out with.

Later once we finally got in, it was then decided that several of the most annoying members of the cast would completely consume the bowling alley's entire Red Bull supply. Pandemonium ensued, while me and my friends hid behind the benches (someone got a black eye from a flying bowling shoe. not pretty). once said annoying cast members were kicked out and my friend V had eaten all of my curly fries (note: your guesses are very, very, close), we escaped to the arcade, where we played DDR and air hockey. an intense DDR competition ensued between my friend A and the other stage mananger, R, who has a MAJOR crush on her. the competition got so intense that they left to "take a breather" and were not seen again for the rest of the night. hmmm....

so they kicked us out of the bowling alley at about 1 in the morning, and we didn't really want to go home, so we went to the park for a bit and hung out on the swings and talked about what we think high school will be like. eventually we all crashed at my friends house. and then the next day, we didn't get up until call time. the show went on and everyone cried during the finale because it was our last show. at the cast party, we all spiked our Diet Cokes and awards were given out. we all said our goodbyes. i didn't take my stage makeup off so i looked like a raccoon because i was crying.

if you've been in the show all 3 years, then they make you a collage with pics from your past shows. everyone signed eachother's collages and programs and mine is hanging on my wall right now :). the show for next year was announced. they're doing Annie. my little sister is SO freaking lucky.

well this is my goodbye to all of you AMS theater geeks. i will miss you all and you better come see me at SMHS, capiche?

Monday, June 2, 2008

busy in a good way

Will not be posting, as it is now performance week for my play, which leads into all sorts of theater-type traditions PLUS the always-hilarious cast party, so I will be back in the blogging world next week.
On other news, I wasn't selected to come back as an assistiant stage mananger, which is sad but also cool because:

.I'm going to SMH, so driving from there to AMS for rehearsals is not exactly an appealing prospect
.My friends A and R got the positions, and they deserve it so yay!
